Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Styles

There are many different styles of hearing aids. Which style you decide on is based on a number of factors that include, but are not limited to:

  • Degree and type of hearing loss present
  • Size and shape of the ear and ear canal
  • Dexterity issues
  • Sight issues
  • Cosmetics
  • Comfort

Our certified Doctors of Audiology are happy to assist you in choosing aids that are appropriate for your hearing, as well as your lifestyle.

Invisible in the Canal (IIC)

An IIC is appropriate for patient with a mild to moderate hearing loss. This small, discreet device is molded to fit specifically in the ear canal. When fit appropriately, the only portion of the hearing aid that is visible is the removal string and possibly a small portion of the face of the aid. This is one of the most cosmetically appealing options.

In the Canal (ITC)

An ITC style aid is appropriate for mild to moderately-severe hearing losses. This style is also molded to fit specifically in the ear canal. This size aid may allow for directional microphones to enable the wearer to experience better hearing in background noise.

Half Shell (HS)

A HS style aid is appropriate for mild to severe hearing losses. This style is also molded to fit specifically in the ear canal. It fits partially in the ear canal and partially in the concha (or bowl) of the ear. This size aid allows for directional microphones to enable the wearer to experience better hearing in background noise.

Receiver in the Ear (RITE)

A RITE style aid is appropriate for mild to profound hearing losses. This style has a very small aid behind the ear and a speaker that fits down into the ear canal. This style leaves the ear canal as open as possible to create the most natural sound quality of any of the hearing aid styles. Due to its fitting range, it is also one of the more versatile styles for programming.

Behind the Ear (BTE)

A BTE style aid is appropriate for mild to profound hearing losses. This style has an aid behind the ear, which is attached to a custom ear mold that delivers the sound into the ear. Due to its fitting range, it is also one of the more versatile styles for programming.

How do I decide on a hearing aid?

All of the hearing aids that we work with are state of the art digital, programmable aids. This allows the Audiologist to customize the sound quality of the aids to the users listening preferences. Hearing aids also run fully automatically. When the user enters a noisy environment, the aid will automatically adapt and adjust to the user’s environment.


We fit and service a number of manufacturer’s hearing aids. Currently, we fit and/or service the following brands:

For more information on our services, call our office to make an appointment.
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